Behind your irritations and triggers is a doorway to your dormant strengths and gifts.

What irritates you

Sometimes we tend to get caught up with our triggers, especially with the quarantine and change of lifestyle. With mercury in retrograde, take the time to listen deeply. Notice your patterns, anxiety, anger. ⁣ ⁣

This quote came up during the Deep Meditation + Sound Alchemy class I just taught at @jupiter_soundscape as we worked through our relationship with our supposed negative patterning. We have an authentic ability to transmute that which we believe is wrong, and make it a right. Behind your irritations and triggers is a doorway to your dormant strengths and gifts.⁣ ⁣

Ramona Soriano

Ramona utilizes kundalini, meditation and sound healing to raise the frequency of consciousness for the beginning and advanced meditator alike. Classically trained in piano, her understanding of music theory gives way to a uniques sound experience that’s a balance of the linear and non-linear. Before she became a yogi, Ramona owned a creative agency in NYC and lived a completely different life. Her ability to truly understand the many challenges associated with western ways instills an honest understanding for the modern-day yogi and soul seeker.