We've been offering a monthly astrology + meditation session for over 2 years. The quarantine has allowed us to bring this dynamic experience online and open up our audience worldwide, creating an authentic experience that blends the very fabric of our time and space into the subtleness that astrology, meditation, and sound healing has to offer. We listen deeply, we learn. We grow with you.
The insights and experiences are curated to bring about clarity and vision to your life in terms of spiritual connection. These tools, we find healing, giving us empowerment over the changing times. Shea's astrological wisdom and softness deeply relates. Ramona's vision to fine-tune meditations and sound healing recharge the system, as the sensations you experience within a soundbath, some call a natural high because of the calming effects you have within your body and mind. Others literally see colors and sacred geometry. And many experience a level of relaxation that has never been felt before. Tying in these elements, you’ll experience a curated astrological experience just for this Winter Solstice.
This winter solstice is a celebration of change during the longest night of the year. We are moving into a completely new cycle. Jupiter and Saturn are leaving Capricorn, which represents outdated structures, responsibility, control, and spearheading into Aquarius which rules innovation, creativity, and the new age.
This has been the moment many astrologers have been anxiously waiting for. We have the Sun in Sagittarius right next to Mercury asking us to call upon our internal wisdom, to bring light into the darkness. To have big conversations about the future. The Moon is in Pisces telling us to take the day off and connect with spirit.
Stop doing and start trusting. Venus is also in Sagittarius asking us to open our hearts to wisdom. This day is filled with guidance and intuition. Use this solstice as a catalyst to call in what you want for the New Year.
-Saturday, December 19th: Video release of your astrology in conjunction to your sun sign.
-Sunday, December 20th: -Video release of meditation specific to this Winter Solstice. -Journal prompts - spend some time this Sunday reflecting with guided questions to evoke the power of your subconscious mind. Alone time!
-Monday, December 21st at 6:15PM PT: Join us for a live virtual Astrology + Meditation + Soundbath session. Recording will be provided if you’d like to watch later/rewatch.
This workshop includes:
- An in-depth talk about the current astrological placements.
- Guided movement + healing sound meditation.
Wear comfortable clothes for our virtual event. Yes, we're meeting virtually, so it's important that you intend to have your space prepared for the work we'll be doing together. Have your yoga mat out, and a beverage nearby. Keep a journal and pen nearby. Maybe light some candles and have next to you crystals or sacred items.