Self Guru Initiation Course


with Ramona Soriano at Jupiter Soundscape

what a beautiful thing it is, to be able to stand tall and say, I fell apart, and I survived.
— @elevatetheglobe

Welcome to week two. This is a journey focusing on restructuring our perception of spirituality. With the changing times, so much is being revealed and what’s no longer resonating will fall away and make crystal clear our connection to source within.

Week 2:

-Restructuring perception of spirituality.

-Community and connection.

We’ve completed our second meeting! Mars in retrograde has us seeing a chapter ending in terms of patriarchy. For some, this ending may be crystal clear. Others, it’s a slow burner for the realization to settle in. Trust that the imbalance of the piscenean times is coming more into balance now with the collective awakening. Structures are falling apart, and they must for a future in alignment with purpose for all. Pay attention, but don’t lose site of your own wisdom within.

The WhatsApp is also a space for you to share with your peers and find inspiration. If you’d like to rewatch, or for those watching for the first time, link is here: