Full Moon in Sagittarius - Kundalini + Astrology + Soundbath + Cacao
Sagittarius is the sign of wisdom and expansion. This full moon, we will work with the teaching planet of Jupiter. This is the perfect time to tap into your infinite self since Sagittarius rules spirituality. This is a very JOYFUL full moon that brings you many gifts. Jupiter is currently in Sagittarius, its ruling sign giving you some extra help. Sagittarius is deeply connected to nature and travel. It holds what you need to experience to understand. There is something about a waterfall or traveling into a different culture that makes you pause in a moment of awe. That is what this Full Moon is asking you to look at. What are the moments in your life that make you stop and know there must be something more? You are really being asked to cultivate this relationship of reverence with yourself.
We have Mars and Mercury in Cancer with the True Node asking us collectively to nurture ourselves. Be ready to receive these divine gifts and messages. A relationship with spirit evolves through a deep relationship with the self.
Join us for this very special workshop at @goinwardlb lead by Shea Hardiman (@raising_lyons) & Jiwan Dev (@kundalini_soul)
SATURDAY - 6/15/19 at 1:00PM - 3:00PM
Energy exchange: $40
This workshop includes:
- Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan
- A guided meditation aimed at raising your spirituality
- An in-depth talk about the current astrological placements
-Ceremonial grade cacao
-Extended sound bath with crystal bowls, gong, chimes, and shruti
- Guidance card pulling
- Time for group sharing
- Journaling exercises
- Manifestation prompts
Please bring your own journal and pen and any special crystals or sacred items you have from home. Wear comfortable clothes. Studio provides mats, blankets, props, and tea!
Artwork by: @zeewipark 🦋
Register here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=634115&stype=-7&sView=day&sLoc=0&sTrn=100000044&date=06/15/19